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weekday ministries

Weekday Ministries provides an early childhood program with a curriculum that is both exciting and fulfilling for children. Classes are based on the child's age as of September 1.

Registration occurs annually in January.


Quality is...

  • Found in the relationship of learning activities to the children’s developmental stages and needs
  • Maintained as we recognize that children learn best when the curriculum is based on concrete experiences to which he/she can relate in meaningful ways
  • Obtained because we use the children’s natural learning abilities and interests to further their development
  • Attained as we recognize that play is fundamental to the children’s development and learning

program philosophy

Through developmentally appropriate practices, programs are designed to:
Develop the children’s own unique gifts.
Meet the basic needs of the children’s health and physical development.
Provide each of the children with care, acceptance, and affection.
Offer each of the children opportunities to experience success in all areas of development.
Foster self-esteem and a sense of competence.
Help the children feel secure and comfortable in a setting away from parents and home.
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